%I #9 Feb 15 2014 08:37:07
%S 1,28,546,9450,165693,3065238,59919431,1226978753,26377959608,
%T 598190993400,14328713682920,361513209493800,9581318478006976,
%U 266382420824204560,7761376103890530800,236610865058490439440,7532969497593532001856,250026557590986469841856
%N 7th column of A145142.
%H Vincenzo Librandi, <a href="/A145149/b145149.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 8..100</a>
%p row:= proc(n) option remember; local f,i,x; f:= unapply (simplify (sum ('cat (a||i) *x^i', 'i'=0..n-1) ), x); unapply (subs (solve ({seq(f(i+1)= coeftayl (x/ (1-x-x^4)/ (1-x)^i, x=0, n), i=0..n-1)}, {seq (cat (a||i), i=0..n-1)}), sum ('cat (a||i) *x^i', 'i'=0..n-1) ), x); end: a:= n-> `if` (n=0, 0, coeftayl (row(n)(x), x=0, 7) *(n-1)!): seq (a(n), n=8..26);
%t row[n_] := row[n] = Module[{f, i, x, a}, f = Function[Sum[a[i]*#^i, {i, 0, n-1}]]; Function[x, Sum[a[i]*x^i, {i, 0, n-1}] /. First @ Solve[Table[f[i+1] == SeriesCoefficient[x/(1-x-x^4)/(1-x)^i, {x, 0, n}], {i, 0, n-1}]]]]; a[n_] := If[n == 0, 0, SeriesCoefficient[row[n][x], {x, 0, 7}]*(n-1)!]; Table[a[n], {n, 8, 26}] (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Feb 13 2014, after Maple *)
%Y Cf. A145153.
%K nonn
%O 8,2
%A _Alois P. Heinz_, Oct 03 2008
%E More terms from _Vincenzo Librandi_, Feb 15 2014