Discriminants of the normalized general quintic polynomials with nonnegative coefficients.
0, 12, 40, 48, 49, 69, 84, 92, 93, 117, 124, 125, 128, 132, 144, 161, 176, 184, 189, 217, 229, 240, 245, 256, 257, 272, 312, 320, 324, 332, 333, 340, 348, 392, 400, 432, 448, 456, 472, 512, 549, 588, 592, 605, 609, 688, 697, 708, 725, 761, 804, 832, 836, 837
Possible discriminants of the general normalized quintic polynomial x^5+b*x^4+c*x^3+d*x^2+e*x+f with b,c,d,e,f>=0
Mohammad K. Azarian, On the Hyperfactorial Function, Hypertriangular Function, and the Discriminants of Certain Polynomials, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2007, pp. 251-257. Mathematical Reviews, MR2312537. Zentralblatt MATH, Zbl 1133.11012.
aa = {}; a = 1; Do[Print[f]; Do[Do[Do[Do[k = b^2 c^2 d^2 e^2 - 4 a c^3 d^2 e^2 - 4 b^3 d^3 e^2 + 18 a b c d^3 e^2 - 27 a^2 d^4 e^2 - 4 b^2 c^3 e^3 + 16 a c^4 e^3 + 18 b^3 c d e^3 - 80 a b c^2 d e^3 - 6 a b^2 d^2 e^3 + 144 a^2 c d^2 e^3 - 27 b^4 e^4 + 144 a b^2 c e^4 - 128 a^2 c^2 e^4 - 192 a^2 b d e^4 + 256 a^3 e^5 - 4 b^2 c^2 d^3 f + 16 a c^3 d^3 f + 16 b^3 d^4 f - 72 a b c d^4 f + 108 a^2 d^5 f + 18 b^2 c^3 d e f - 72 a c^4 d e f - 80 b^3 c d^2 e f + 356 a b c^2 d^2 e f + 24 a b^2 d^3 e f - 630 a^2 c d^3 e f - 6 b^3 c^2 e^2 f + 24 a b c^3 e^2 f + 144 b^4 d e^2 f - 746 a b^2 c d e^2 f + 560 a^2 c^2 d e^2 f + 1020 a^2 b d^2 e^2 f - 36 a b^3 e^3 f + 160 a^2 b c e^3 f - 1600 a^3 d e^3 f - 27 b^2 c^4 f^2 + 108 a c^5 f^2 + 144 b^3 c^2 d f^2 - 630 a b c^3 d f^2 - 128 b^4 d^2 f^2 + 560 a b^2 c d^2 f^2 + 825 a^2 c^2 d^2 f^2 - 900 a^2 b d^3 f^2 - 192 b^4 c e f^2 + 1020 a b^2 c^2 e f^2 - 900 a^2 c^3 e f^2 + 160 a b^3 d e f^2 - 2050 a^2 b c d e f^2 + 2250 a^3 d^2 e f^2 - 50 a^2 b^2 e^2 f^2 + 2000 a^3 c e^2 f^2 + 256 b^5 f^3 - 1600 a b^3 c f^3 + 2250 a^2 b c^2 f^3 + 2000 a^2 b^2 d f^3 - 3750 a^3 c d f^3 - 2500 a^3 b e f^3 + 3 125 a^4 f^4; If[k > 0 && k < 1000, AppendTo[aa, k]], {b, 0, 30}], {c, 0, 30}], {d, 0, 30}], {e, 0, 30}], {f, 0, 30}]; Union[aa] (*Artur Jasinski*)
Sequence in context: A119094 A226348 A359023 * A292544 A345924 A114815
Artur Jasinski, Apr 29 2008