Smallest number that has exactly n distinct prime factors and ends with the digits of n.
11, 12, 273, 714, 15015, 149226, 22309287, 60138078, 25588752189, 8720021310, 55093966638711, 197238101872812, 92887605454857213, 174457101106502214, 25517925977422393515, 951603427533949306116, 832747507651789493981217
a(2)=12 since 12 has 2 prime factors (2 and 3) and ends with 2 and is the smallest such number
f[n_] := Block[{k = n, inc = 10^Floor[ Log[10, n] + 1]}, While[ Length[ FactorInteger[ k]] != n, k += inc]; k]; (* Robert G. Wilson v, Aug 08 2005 *)
(PARI) digitcount(n, base = 10) = local(d); if (n == 0, return(1)); d = 1 + floor(log(n)/log(base)); while (n >= base^d, d++); while (n < base^(d - 1), d--); d;
leastCombo(numPrimes, firstPrime, limit, M, r) = lcHelper(numPrimes, firstPrime, limit, prod(i = firstPrime, firstPrime + numPrimes - 1, prime(i)), 1, firstPrime + numPrimes, M, r);
lcHelper(left, i, limit, minimum, found, nextP, M, r) = local(p); if (left == 0, return(if (found%M == r, found, limit))); p = prime(i); limit = lcHelper(left - 1, i + 1, limit, minimum, found*p, nextP, M, r); if (minimum*prime(nextP)/p <= limit, limit = lcHelper(left, i + 1, limit, minimum*prime(nextP)/p, found, nextP + 1, M, r)); limit;
\\This function returns 0 if its assumptions fail; otherwise it returns the correct answer. With the defaults 3 and 40, no failures occur in the first 1000 terms.
a(n, searchP = 3, searchSize = 40) =
local(r, num2, num5, d, M, pLeft, assumedP, fixed, x, rNeeded, y, best, z, zz, j, z3, pLimit);
r = n;
d = digitcount(n);
if (n < 7,
while (omega(r) != n, r += 10);
while (num2 < d && !(r%2),
r = r/2
while (num5 < d && !(r%5),
r = r/5
M = 10^d/2^num2/5^num5;
pLeft = n - if (num2, 1, 0) - if (num5, 1, 0);
searchP = 3;
searchSize = 40;
fixed = 2^num2*5^num5;
assumedP = pLeft - searchP;
x = 3*prod(i = 4, assumedP + 2, prime(i));
rNeeded = lift(Mod(r, M)/Mod(x, M));
best = prime(n + 40)^searchP;
forvec (v = vector(searchP, i, [assumedP + 3, assumedP + searchSize + 2]), y = prod(i = 1, searchP, prime(v[i])); if (y%M == rNeeded, best = min(best, y)), 2);
if (best == searchP ^prime(n + 40), return(0));
y = fixed*x*best;
z = fixed*x*prod(i = assumedP + 3, pLeft + 2, prime(i));
if (z >= 2*y, return(0));
rNeeded = lift(Mod(r, M)/3);
return(fixed*3*leastCombo(pLeft - 1, 4, y/fixed/3, M, rNeeded));
} \\ David Wasserman, Sep 30 2008
Cf. A109687 [From David Wasserman, Sep 30 2008]
Sequence in context: A357273 A041059 A041260 * A041261 A041262 A262515
Erich Friedman, Aug 06 2005
a(11) - a(17) from Robert G. Wilson v, Aug 08 2005
Corrected terms. Deleted second program, which appeared to be incorrect. - David Wasserman, Sep 30 2008