(2n)-th Legendre polynomial P_{2n}(x), evaluated at x = 2n-1. Here the Legendre polynomials are normalized so that P_{n}(1) = 1.

%I #9 Jan 01 2018 21:23:58

%S 1,321,213445,278905249,610897146201,2023268287369681,

%T 9449986579423765453,59214605458489033180545,

%U 479530506556330198532943409,4875296429727384973283863144801

%N (2n)-th Legendre polynomial P_{2n}(x), evaluated at x = 2n-1. Here the Legendre polynomials are normalized so that P_{n}(1) = 1.

%H G. C. Greubel, <a href="/A105952/b105952.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..175</a>

%F a(n) ~ n^(2*n)*2^(4*n)/(exp(1)*sqrt(2*Pi*n)). - _Vaclav Kotesovec_, Jul 31 2013

%e P_{4}(x) = 35/8*x^4 - 15/4*x^2 + 3/8; evaluating at x=3 gives 321.

%p with(orthopoly,P); seq(P(2*n,2*n-1), n=1..12);

%t Table[LegendreP[2*n,2*n-1], {n, 1, 20}] (* _Vaclav Kotesovec_, Jul 31 2013 *)

%o (PARI) a(n)=pollegendre(2*n,2*n-1) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Mar 19 2017

%K easy,nonn

%O 1,2

%A Isabel C. Lugo (izzycat(AT)gmail.com), Apr 27 2005