Let M={{0,1},{1,1}}, M0=MatrixPower[(M-IdentityMatrix[2]),2], Det[M0]; a[n_]:=M0.a[n-1]; a[0]:={{0,1},{1,1}};

%I #4 Mar 30 2012 17:34:14

%S 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,3,2,2,1,8,5,5,3,21,13,13,8,55,34,34,21,144,89,89,55,

%T 377,233,233,144,987,610,610,377,2584,1597,1597,987,6765,4181,4181,

%U 2584,17711,10946,10946,6765,46368,28657,28657,17711,121393,75025,75025

%N Let M={{0,1},{1,1}}, M0=MatrixPower[(M-IdentityMatrix[2]),2], Det[M0]; a[n_]:=M0.a[n-1]; a[0]:={{0,1},{1,1}};

%C 2 X 2 matrix sequence of square (M-I)^2 on Fibonacci generator matrix.

%t (* 2 X 2 matrix sequence*) digits=50 M={{0, 1}, {1, 1}} M0=MatrixPower[(M-IdentityMatrix[2]), 2] Det[M0] A[n_]:=M0.A[n-1]; A[0]:={{0, 1}, {1, 1}}; (* flattened sequence of 2 X 2 matrices made with an alternating recurrence*) b=Flatten[Table[Abs[A[n]], {n, 0, digits}]] ListPlot[b, PlotJoined->True]

%K nonn

%O 0,9

%A _Roger L. Bagula_, Sep 11 2004