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Number of configurations of the 3-dimensional 3 X 3 X 3 sliding cube puzzle that require a minimum of n moves to be reached, starting with the empty space at one of the enclosing cube corners.
1, 3, 9, 30, 102, 324, 1029, 3096, 9960, 30732, 97932, 295924, 929202, 2766958, 8590731, 25271897, 77575820
The 3 X 3 X 3 sliding cube puzzle is a generalization of the 2 X 2 X 2 3-D puzzle A090572. There are various designs of this 3 X 3 X 3 puzzle, but in most of them the central cube is not freely accessible and the empty space cannot be moved to the central location of the cube. The design treated in this sequence assumes full accessibility of the central location.
Ji-Ha You, Three dimensional puzzle with blocks - has cube frame with hollow interior and movable blocks filled on one side with magnet. German Patent application DE-4106826 A1, March 4, 1991 - see link
Ji-Ha You, Dreidimensionales Spielgeraet. Offenlegungsschrift DE-4106826 A1.
(Python) # uses alst(), swap() in A089473
def moves3d(p, shape, fixed=None): # n x m x r puzzle
nxt, (n, m, r) = [], shape
L, z = n*m, p.find("-") # z: location of blank
zq, zr = divmod(z, L)
if zr > n - 1: nxt.append(swap(p, z, z-n)) # blank up
if zr < n*m-n: nxt.append(swap(p, z, z+n)) # blank down
if zr%n != 0: nxt.append(swap(p, z, z-1)) # blank left
if zr%n != n-1: nxt.append(swap(p, z, z+1)) # blank right
if zq > 0: nxt.append(swap(p, z, z-L)) # blank in
if zq < r - 1: nxt.append(swap(p, z, z+L)) # blank out
return [m for m in nxt if m.find("-") != fixed]
moves = lambda p, shape: moves3d(p, shape)
start, shape = "-123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ", (3, 3, 3)
print(alst(start, shape, maxd=12)) # Michael S. Branicky, Dec 28 2020
Cf. A090572 2 X 2 X 2 puzzle, A090574, A090575, A090576 3 X 3 X 3 puzzle with different initial configurations.
Sequence in context: A148946 A096222 A148947 * A228339 A257641 A048119
Hugo Pfoertner, Jan 15 2004
a(13)-a(16) from Michael S. Branicky, Dec 28 2020