At stage 0 we begin with the triangle L_0
This has 2 nodes on the lowest level, and 2^2-1 nodes in total.
At stage 1 we construct L_1 by adding 2^2 copies of L_0 to
the lowest level nodes in L_0. Thus L_1 has 3+12 = 2^4-1
nodes in total (labeled 0 to 14), with 2^3 nodes at the lowest level.
At stage 2 we construct L_2 by adding 2^4 copies of L_1 to
the lowest level nodes in L_1. Thus L_2 has 15+240 = 2^8-1
nodes in total (labeled 0 to 254), with 2^(2^3-1) nodes at the lowest level.
At stage k we construct L_k by adding 2^(2^k) copies of L_(k-1) to the lowest level nodes in L_(k-1). Thus L_k has 2^(2^(k+1))-1 nodes in total (labeled 0 to 2^(2^(k+1))-2), with 2^(2^(k+1)-1) nodes at the lowest level.
From Steve Witham, Oct 08 2009: This is a special case of what's called the "Van Emde Boas layout" - see p. 203 of the Meyer et al. reference. "Split the tree in the middle, at height h/2. This breaks the tree into a top recursive subtree of height floor(h/2) and several bottom subtrees of height ceil(h/2). There are sqrt(N) bottom subtrees, each of size sqrt(N)."
Contribution from Steve Witham (sw(AT), Oct 13 2009: (Start)
Starting the sequence (and its index) at 1 (as in A082008) instead of 0 (as in A082007) seems more natural. This was conceived as a way to arrange a heapsort in memory to improve locality of reference. The classic Williams/Floyd heapsort also works a little more naturally when the origin is 1.
This sequence is a permutation of the integers >= 0. (End)
Moreover, the first 2^(2^n) - 1 terms are a permutation of the first 2^(2^n) - 1 nonnegative integers. - Ivan Neretin, Mar 12 2017
Ulrich Meyer, Peter Sanders and Jop Sibeyn, Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies: Advanced Lectures.
Ivan Neretin, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..8190
Steve Witham, Clumpy Heapsort. [From Steve Witham (sw(AT), Oct 13 2009]
The beginning of the tree:
(15 and 30 are children of 4, 45 and 60 are children of 5, and so on.)
Rows 0 and 1 form L_0, rows 0 through 3 form L_1, rows 0 through 7 form L_2, and so on.
w = {{0}}; Do[k = 2^Floor@Log2[n - 1]; AppendTo[w, Flatten@Table[w[[n - k]] + (2^k - 1) i, {i, 2^k}]], {n, 2, 7}]; a = Flatten@w (* Ivan Neretin, Mar 12 2017 *)
N. J. A. Sloane, Oct 06 2009, based on a posting by Steve Witham (sw(AT) to the Math Fun Mailing List, Sep 30 2009