Sum of square displacements over all self-avoiding n-step walks on the cubic lattice with the first step specified. Numerator of mean square displacement s(n)=a(n)/(A001412(n)/6).

%I #39 May 27 2024 11:37:27

%S 1,12,97,672,4261,25588,147821,830576,4566917,24692980,131682825,

%T 694386864,3626770709,18790632772,96675376705,494382431552,

%U 2514666026897,12730690730212,64177763220925,322314275563424,1613192327878789,8049191357609204,40048773875769449,198750753713937600

%N Sum of square displacements over all self-avoiding n-step walks on the cubic lattice with the first step specified. Numerator of mean square displacement s(n)=a(n)/(A001412(n)/6).

%C A comparison with the conjectured asymptotic behavior of the mean square displacement s(n) over all n-step self-avoiding walks given in Weisstein's article is shown in "Asymptotic Behavior of Mean Square Displacement" at the Pfoertner link.

%D For references see under A001412

%H Hugo Pfoertner, <a href="/A078605/b078605.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..36</a>

%H Hugo Pfoertner, <a href="https://www.randomwalk.de/stw3d.html">Results for the 3-dimensional Self-Trapping Random Walk</a>

%H Raoul D. Schram, Gerard T. Barkema, and Rob H. Bisseling, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.2184">Exact enumeration of self-avoiding walks</a>, arXiv:1104.2184 [math-ph], 2011.

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Self-AvoidingWalkConnectiveConstant.html">Self-Avoiding Walk Connective Constant</a>.

%F a(n) = Sum_{L=1..A001412(n)/6} ( i_L^2 + j_L^2 + k_L^2 ) where (i_L, j_L, k_L) are the endpoints of all different self-avoiding n-step walks.

%e a(2)=12 because the A001412(2)/6 = 5 different self-avoiding 2-step walks end at (1,0,-1), (1,0,1), (1,-1,0), (1,1,0)->d^2=2 and at (2,0,0)->d^2=4. a(2) = 4*2 + 1*4 = 12. See also "Distribution of end point distance" at first link.

%o (Fortran) c Program for distance counting available at Pfoertner link.

%Y Cf. A001412, A078717, A079156 (corresponding Manhattan distance sum).

%Y Equals A118313/6.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _Hugo Pfoertner_, Dec 09 2002

%E Terms a(19)-a(36) taken from A118313 by _Hugo Pfoertner_, Aug 20 2014

%E Name amended by _Scott R. Shannon_, Sep 17 2020