%I #10 Mar 31 2012 10:26:00
%S 2,5,4,10,8,56,8,39,10,38,9,208,15,37,95,143,7,502,2,319,184,235,2,
%T 1631,68,142,58,614,71,14216,14,5286,81,149,251,4018,12,17,79,5162,21,
%U 43065,34,3858,932,140,6,12852,27,2457,360,1121,37,10014
%N Number of n-digit terms of A070153.
%C Pairs (r,s) = (A070152(k), A070153(k)) are such that sum(j=r to s, j) equals the concatenation of r and s.
%H R. Hoshino, <a href="http://cms.math.ca/crux/v27/n1/public_page34-47.pdf">Astonishing Pairs of Numbers</a>, Crux Mathematicorum 27(1), 2001, p. 39-44.
%e a(3) = 4 since 119, 403, 533, 623 are the only three-digit terms of A070153.
%Y Cf. A070152, A070153.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,1
%A _Lekraj Beedassy_, Jun 11 2002
%E Edited and corrected by _Klaus Brockhaus_, Jun 06 2003
%E a(6), a(7) and a(8) from _Klaus Brockhaus_, Jun 20 2003
%E a(6) corrected and terms a(9) onward added by _Max Alekseyev_, Feb 13 2012