Number of 4-element ordered antichain covers of an unlabeled n-element set.
25, 429, 3364, 17602, 71385, 242347, 720792, 1934076, 4777337, 11021713, 24008532, 49790614, 98954626, 189457350, 350941064, 631167840, 1105440045, 1890167329, 3162113836, 5185330818, 8348369731, 13215102985, 20593381200, 31626858540, 47916657405, 71681161365
V. Jovovic and G. Kilibarda, On the number of Boolean functions in the Post classes F^{mu}_8, Diskretnaya Matematika, 11 (1999), no. 4, 127-138 (translated in Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 9, (1999), no. 6)
V. Jovovic, G. Kilibarda, On enumeration of the class of all monotone Boolean functions, in preparation.
K. S. Brown, Dedekind's problem
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Antichain covers
Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients, signature (15, -105, 455, -1365, 3003, -5005, 6435, -6435, 5005, -3003, 1365, -455, 105, -15, 1).
a(n) = C(n + 14, 14) - 12*C(n + 10, 10) + 24*C(n + 8, 8) + 4*C(n + 7, 7) - 18*C(n + 6, 6) + 6*C(n + 5, 5) - 36*C(n + 4, 4) + 36*C(n + 3, 3) + 11*C(n + 2, 2) - 22*C(n + 1, 1) + 6*C(n, 0).
G.f.: x^4*(6*x^10 -62*x^9 +271*x^8 -636*x^7 +800*x^6 -328*x^5 -495*x^4 +812*x^3 -446*x^2 +54*x +25)/(1-x)^15. - Colin Barker, May 29 2012
a(n) = (-104270181120 n + 236073062016 n^2 - 169534943760 n^3 + 28403538800 n^4 + 12862329480 n^5 - 2983956976 n^6 - 613678065 n^7 + 39763295 n^8 + 21456435 n^9 + 2461459 n^10 + 143325 n^11 + 5005 n^12 + 105 n^13 + n^14)/(14)!. - G. C. Greubel, Oct 06 2017
Table[(-104270181120 n + 236073062016 n^2 - 169534943760 n^3 + 28403538800 n^4 + 12862329480 n^5 - 2983956976 n^6 - 613678065 n^7 + 39763295 n^8 + 21456435 n^9 + 2461459 n^10 + 143325 n^11 + 5005 n^12 + 105 n^13 + n^14)/(14)!, {n, 4, 50}] (* G. C. Greubel, Oct 06 2017 *)
LinearRecurrence[{15, -105, 455, -1365, 3003, -5005, 6435, -6435, 5005, -3003, 1365, -455, 105, -15, 1}, {25, 429, 3364, 17602, 71385, 242347, 720792, 1934076, 4777337, 11021713, 24008532, 49790614, 98954626, 189457350, 350941064}, 30] (* Harvey P. Dale, Dec 09 2021 *)
(PARI) for(n=4, 50, print1((-104270181120*n + 236073062016*n^2 - 169534943760*n^3 + 28403538800*n^4 + 12862329480*n^5 - 2983956976*n^6 - 613678065*n^7 + 39763295*n^8 + 21456435*n^9 + 2461459*n^10 + 143325*n^11 + 5005*n^12 + 105*n^13 + n^14)/(14)!, ", ")) \\ G. C. Greubel, Oct 06 2017
(Magma) [(-104270181120*n + 236073062016*n^2 - 169534943760*n^3 + 28403538800*n^4 + 12862329480*n^5 - 2983956976*n^6 - 613678065*n^7 + 39763295*n^8 + 21456435*n^9 + 2461459*n^10 + 143325*n^11 + 5005*n^12 + 105*n^13 + n^14)/Factorial(14): n in [4..50]]; // G. C. Greubel, Oct 06 2017
Cf. A056047 for 4-antichain (unordered) covers of a labeled n-set, A051112. See also A056074, A056093.
Sequence in context: A226712 A020577 A021714 * A020448 A203544 A021704
Vladeta Jovovic, Goran Kilibarda, Jul 27 2000