Numbers that appear in A035140 but not in A050694.

%I #10 Oct 16 2019 01:32:58

%S 121,132,143,187,295,312,341,351,451,671,679,781,928,932,1023,1053,

%T 1057,1207,1243,1255,1324,1325,1328,1331,1359,1375,1377,1379,1392,

%U 1395,1539,1573,1592,1703,1775,1972,1975,1982,2139,2189,2317,2321,2349,2367

%N Numbers that appear in A035140 but not in A050694.

%C Digits of prime factors of a(n) all appear in a(n) but not all prime factors of a(n) are a substring of a(n).

%e 187 = 11*17 -> digits 1 and 7 appear in {1}8{7} and 11 and 17 aren't substrings of "187".

%t d[n_]:=IntegerDigits[n]; t={}; Do[le1=Max@@Length/@(t1=d[First/@FactorInteger[n]]); t2=Flatten[Table[Partition[d[n],i,1],{i,le1}],1]; If[!PrimeQ[n]&&Complement[t1,t2]!={}&&Complement[Flatten[t1],d[n]]=={},AppendTo[t,n]],{n,20,2380}]; t (* _Jayanta Basu_, May 31 2013 *)

%Y Cf. A050694, A035140.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Patrick De Geest_, Aug 15 1999