Number of ways an n X n square can be cut into integer-sided squares: collections of integers {a_i} so that squares of length a_i tile an n X n square.
This ignores the way the squares are arranged. We are only counting the lists of parts (compare A045846).
Also applies to the partitions of an equilateral triangle of length n. - Robert G. Wilson v
Alois P. Heinz, More ways to divide an 11 X 11 square into sub-squares
Holger Langenau, Squaring the square: New methods for determining the number of perfect square packings, 2018.
Jon E. Schoenfield, Table of solutions for n <= 12 (Caution: this table is missing 6 of the ways to divide an 11 X 11 square into sub-squares! Please see the Alois P. Heinz link listing those six ways. Thanks to Alois for catching this! -- Jon E. Schoenfield)
N. J. A. Sloane, Drawing to illustrate a(1)-a(4)
From Jon E. Schoenfield, Sep 18 2008: (Start)
a(3) = 3 because the 3 X 3 square can be divided into sub-squares in 3 different ways: a single 3 X 3 square, a 2 X 2 square plus five 1 X 1 squares, or nine 1 X 1 squares.
There are a(5) = 11 different ways to divide a 5 X 5 square into sub-squares:
1. 25(1 X 1)
2. 1(2 X 2) + 21(1 X 1)
3. 2(2 X 2) + 17(1 X 1)
4. 3(2 X 2) + 13(1 X 1)
5. 4(2 X 2) + 9(1 X 1)
6. 1(3 X 3) + 16(1 X 1)
7. 1(3 X 3) + 1(2 X 2) + 12(1 X 1)
8. 1(3 X 3) + 2(2 X 2) + 8(1 X 1)
9. 1(3 X 3) + 3(2 X 2) + 4(1 X 1)
10. 1(4 X 4) + 9(1 X 1)
11. 1(5 X 5)
a(9) = 312 because the 9 X 9 square can be divided into 312 different combinations of sub-squares such as three 4 X 4 squares plus thirty-three 1 X 1 squares, etc. (End)
b:= proc(n, l) option remember; local i, k, s;
if max(l[])>n then {} elif n=0 then {0}
elif min(l[])>0 then (t->b(n-t, map(h->h-t, l)))(min(l[]))
else for k while l[k]>0 do od; s:={};
for i from k to nops(l) while l[i]=0 do s:=s union
map(v->v+x^(1+i-k), b(n, [l[j]$j=1..k-1,
1+i-k$j=k..i, l[j]$j=i+1..nops(l)]))
od; s
a:= n-> nops(b(n, [0$n])):
seq(a(n), n=1..9); # Alois P. Heinz, Apr 15 2013
$RecursionLimit = 1000; b[n_, l_] := b[n, l] = Module[{i, k, m, s, t}, Which[Max[l]>n, {}, n == 0 || l == {}, {{}}, Min[l]>0, t = Min[l]; b[n-t, l-t], True, k = Position[l, 0, 1][[1, 1]]; s = {}; For[i = k, i <= Length[l] && l[[i]] == 0, i++, s = s ~Union~ Map[Function[x, Sort[Append[x, 1+i-k]]], b[n, Join[l[[1 ;; k-1]], Array[1+i-k &, i-k+1], l[[i+1 ;; -1]]]]]]; s]]; a[n_] := a[n] = b[n, Array[0&, n]] // Length; Table[Print[a[n]]; a[n], {n, 1, 12} ] (* Jean-François Alcover, Feb 18 2014, after Alois P. Heinz *)
Erich Friedman, Dec 11 1999
More terms from Sergio Pimentel, Jun 03 2008
Corrected and extended by Jon E. Schoenfield, Sep 19 2008
Edited by N. J. A. Sloane, Apr 12 2013, at the suggestion of Paolo P. Lava
a(11) corrected by Alois P. Heinz, Apr 15 2013
a(13) from Alois P. Heinz, Apr 19 2013
a(14) from Christopher Hunt Gribble, Oct 26 2013
a(15) and a(16) from Fidel I. Schaposnik, May 04 2015
a(17)-a(23) from Holger Langenau, Sep 20 2017
a(24) from Michael De Vlieger, May 04 2018, from paper written by Holger Langenau
a(25) and a(26) from Holger Langenau, May 14 2018
a(27) from Holger Langenau, Apr 15 2019
a(28) from Holger Langenau, Jun 17 2020
a(28) corrected by Holger Langenau, Jul 31 2020