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User:Jean-Bernard François

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I'm Jean-Bernard François (aka infofiltrage) born in France the 03/05/69 & DP Engineer (Engineering Graphics Software).

My current blog is Bondissant (almost art from geometry).

I love number theory, mathematics, and of course OEIS.

I only worked under Debian Linux System with LibreOffice, Inkscape and a LiberKey.


A099730 | A000302

Useful Links


Collatz | Diophantine | Primes | Number Theory

Sequence of the Day

Sequence of the Day for September 26

A078437: Decimal expansion of sum of alternating series of reciprocals of primes

i   = 1
( − 1)i  − 1

Here is another reminder of the infinitude of prime numbers. We may think we know a lot of prime numbers, but when it comes to computing this alternating series, this is the most precise we can get. The next digit is 4 or 5, we can’t say for sure just yet.

Today’s SOTD is about the sum of alternating series of reciprocals of primes, September 24’s SOTD was about the harmonic series of the primes (sum of the reciprocals of the primes).