Weak Goodstein numbers: a(n) = g_n(n), where g_n(n) is the weak Goodstein function.
0, 0, 1, 2, 11, 21, 43, 69, 211, 389, 779, 1276, 2753, 3405, 4167, 5029, 12317, 21691, 42083, 68050, 234257, 279872, 331871, 390781, 458271, 533659, 618679, 713344, 831407, 953343, 1081455, 1222053, 2753231, 4634203, 8637959, 13483492, 49254279, 90224223, 102400127
A nonnegative n in ordinary (depth-1) base-k representation is n rewritten as a linear combination k powers n = n_1*b^m_1 + ... + n_k*b^m_k where 0 < n_i < b and m_1 > ... > m_k >= 0.
For instance, the ordinary representation of 34 in base 3 is 3^3 + 2*3 + 1.
Let b_k(n) be the function that substitutes the bases of the base-k representation of n with the base k+1. E.g., b_3(34) = b_3(3^3 + 2*3 + 1) = 4^3 + 2*4 + 1 = 73.
Define the weak Goodstein function as: g_k(n) = b_(k+1)(g_(k-1)(n))-1, g_0(n) = n.
See example for instances.
Let n be a fixed nonnegative integer: Goodstein's theorem shows that the sequence g_k(n) eventually stabilizes and then decreases by 1 at each step until it reaches 0. Thereafter, all the values of g_k(n) < 0 are not part of the sequence.
By Goodstein's theorem we conclude that g_k(n) is a finite sequence.
Googology Wiki, Weak Goodstein sequence, see below.
Find a(5) = g_5(5):
g_0(5) = 5;
g_1(5) = b_2(5)-1 = b_2(2^2+1)-1 = 3^2+1-1 = 9;
g_2(5) = b_3(3^2)-1 = 4^2-1 = 15;
g_3(5) = b_4(3*4 + 3)-1 = 3*5+3-1 = 17;
g_4(5) = b_5(3*5 + 2)-1 = 3*6 + 2-1 = 19;
g_5(5) = b_6(3*6 + 1)-1 = 3*7+1-1 = 21.
g[k_, n_] := If[k == 0, n, Total@ Flatten@ MapIndexed[#1 (k + 2)^(#2 - 1) &, Reverse@ IntegerDigits[#, k + 1]] &@ g[k - 1, n] - 1]; Table[g[n, n], {n, 0, 38}] (* Michael De Vlieger, Mar 18 2016 *)
(PARI) a(n) = {if (n == 0, return (0)); wn = n; for (k=2, n+1, pd = Pol(digits(wn, k)); wn = subst(pd, x, k+1) - 1; ); wn; } \\ Michel Marcus, Feb 23 2016
(PARI) a(n) = {if (n == 0, return (0)); wn = n; for(k=2, n+1, vd = digits(wn, k); wn = fromdigits(vd, k+1) - 1; ); wn; } \\ Michel Marcus, Feb 19 2017
Cf. A266201 ("Strong" Goodstein numbers).
Weak Goodstein sequences: A137411: g_n(11); A265034: g_n(266); A267647: g_n(4); A267648: g_n(5); A266203: a(n) = k such that g_k(n)=0.
Sequence in context: A343450 A245500 A342945 * A113721 A127199 A085652
Natan Arie Consigli, Jan 22 2016
More terms from Michel Marcus, Feb 23 2016