
Full List of Files and Programs Associated With

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

When complete this will list all relevant files and programs

It is intended mostly for administrative use.

(January 2006: this page needs to be edited, since many of the files have been moved.)


Lines give:

Lookup web pages (in /wwwfiles/sequences)

Other top web pages (and related files)

Translation project

Lookup programs in cgi-bin on alice

The main database on the local machine

Formatting programs on the local machine

Updating programs on local machine

Checking programs on local machine

Lookup programs for local use on local machine

Index to database

The main database

The email sequence servers "sequences" and "superseeker"

Concordances to sequences in books


Demonstration files (alice)

Programs for changing boilerplate on web pages (hisdir : alice)

Files under construction

Obsolete files

The editor-in-chief