a(n) is the least number k greater than n such that the square roots of both k and n have continuous fractions with the same period p and, if p > 1, the same periodic terms except for the last term.
1, 5, 8, 4, 10, 12, 32, 15, 9, 17, 40, 20, 74, 33, 24, 16, 26, 39, 1880, 30, 112, 660, 96, 35, 25, 37, 104, 299, 338, 42, 77600, 75, 60, 78, 48, 36, 50, 84, 68, 87, 130, 56, 288968, 468, 350, 3242817, 192, 63, 49, 65, 200, 2726, 1042, 1628, 180, 72, 308, 425, 5880, 95
Note that a(n)=n if n is a square. The square root of a squarefree integer n has a continued fraction of the form [e(0);[e(1),...,e(p)]] with e(p)=2e(0) and e(i)=e(p-i) for 0 < i < p, see reference. The symmetric part [e(1),...,e(p-1)] of the continued fraction [m;[e(1),...,e(p-1), 2m]] will be called the pattern of n. 2 has the empty pattern (sqrt(2)=[1,[2]]), 3 has the pattern [1] (sqrt(3)=[1,[1,2]]) and so on. In this sense, the description of the sequence can be simplified as "Least number greater than n with the same pattern".
It can be can proved (see link) that integers with the same pattern are terms of a quadratic sequence.
An ambiguity has to be fixed: sqrt(2)=[1,[2]] = [1,[2,2]] = [1,[2,2,2]] and so on. We define that the shortest pattern is correct, here it is empty. Comment on the third subsequence (2),6,12,... below: The second term 6 has the pattern [2], but the first term 2 in brackets has the "wrong" pattern, after fixing the ambiguity.
Kenneth H. Rosen, Elementary number theory and its applications, Addison-Wesley, 3rd ed. 1993, page 428.
1) p=1: f(1)=2, f(2)=a(2)=5, f(3)=a(5)=10, f(4)=a(10)=17,..
sqrt(2)=[1,[2]], sqrt(5)=[2,[4]], sqrt(10)=[3,[6]], sqrt(17)=[4,[8]],..
2) p=2: f(1)=3, f(2)=a(3)=8, f(3)=a(8)=15, f(4)=a(15)=24,..
sqrt(3)=[1,[1,2]], sqrt(8)=[2,[1,4]], sqrt(15)=[3,[1,6]], sqrt(24)=[4,[1,8]],..
3) p=3: f(1)=41, f(2)=a(41)=130, f(3)=a(130)=269,..
sqrt(41)=[6,[2,2,12]], sqrt(130)=[11,[2,2,121]], sqrt(269)=[16,[2,2,256]],..
4) p=4: f(1)=33, f(2)=a(33)=60, f(3)=a(60)=95,..
sqrt(33)=[5,[1,2,1,10]], sqrt(60)=[7,[1,2,1,49]], sqrt(95)=[9,[1,2,1,81]],..
Several subsequences f(k) with f(k+1)=a(f(k)).
k>1 if first term in brackets, k>0 otherwise.
First terms Period Formula Example
1) 2,5,10,17 1 A002522(k)=k^2+1 1
2) 3,8,15,24 2 A005563(k)=(k+1)^2-1 2
3)(2),6,12 2 A002378(k)=k*(k+1)
4) 7,32,75 4 A013656(k)=k*(9*k-2)
5) 11,40,87 2 A147296(k)=k*(9*k+2)
6) 13,74,185 5 A154357(k)=25*k^2-14*k+2
7) (3),14,33 4 A033991(k)=k*(4*k-1) 4
8) (5),18,39 2 A007742(k)=k*(4*k+1)
9) 21,112,275 6 A157265(k)=36*k^2-17*k+2
10)23,96,219 4 A154376(k)=25*k^2-2*k
11)27,104,231 2 A154377(k)=25*k^2+2*k
12)28,299,858 4 A156711(k)=144*k^2-161*k+45
13)29,338,985 5 A156640(k)=169*k^2+140*k+29
14)(8),34,78 4 A154516(k)=9*k^2-k
15)(10),38,84 2 A154517(k)=9*k^2+k
16)(2),41,130 3 A154355(k)=25*k^2-36*k+13 3
17)47,192,435 4 A157362(k)=49*k^2-2*k
block([nmax: 100],
/*saves the first nmax terms in the current directory*/
algebraic: true, local(coeff), showtime: true,
fl: openw(sconcat("terms", nmax, ".txt")),
coeff(w, m):=
block(a: m, p: 0, s: w, vv:[],
while a<2*m do
(p: p+1, s: ratsimp(1/(s-floor(s))), a: floor(s),
if a<2*m then vv: append(vv, [a])),
j: floor((p-1)/2),
if mod(p, 2)=0 then v: [1, 0, vv[j+1]] else v: [0, 1, 1],
for i from j thru 1 step(-1) do
(h: vv[i], u: [v[1]+h*v[3], v[3], 2*h*v[1]+v[2]+h^2*v[3]], v: u),
for n from 1 thru nmax do
(w: sqrt(n), m: floor(w),
if w=m then b: n else
(v: coeff(w, m), x: v[1], y: v[2], z: v[3], q: mod(z, 2),
if q=0 then (z: z/2, y: y/2) else x: 2*x,
fr: (x*m+y)/z, m: m+z, fr: fr+x, b: m^2+fr),
printf( fl, "~d, ", b)),
from sympy import floor, S, sqrt
def coeff(w, m):
a, p, s, vv = m, 0, w, []
while a < 2*m:
p += 1
s = S.One/(s-floor(s))
a = floor(s)
if a < 2*m:
j = (p-1)//2
v = [0, 1, 1] if p % 2 else [1, 0, vv[j]]
for i in range(j-1, -1, -1):
h = vv[i]
v = [v[0]+h*v[2], v[2], 2*h*v[0]+v[1]+h**2*v[2]]
return v
def A334116(n):
w = sqrt(n)
m = floor(w)
if w == m:
return n
x, y, z = coeff(w, m)
if z % 2:
x *= 2
z //= 2
y //= 2
return (m+z)**2+x+(x*m+y)//z # Chai Wah Wu, Sep 30 2021, after Maxima code
Gerhard Kirchner, Apr 14 2020