Pairs with balanced sums of prime divisors (A008472) and inverse prime divisors (A069359), ordered by larger members.
3, 8, 7, 16, 11, 18, 7, 27, 17, 45, 29, 50, 41, 54, 53, 60, 31, 64, 71, 84, 29, 99, 107, 132, 61, 147, 41, 153, 131, 162, 53, 207, 157, 220, 113, 225, 179, 228, 239, 240, 131, 242, 79, 243, 73, 245, 127, 255, 127, 256, 229, 264, 223, 280, 113, 297, 199, 315, 73, 325, 317, 336, 181, 338, 43, 343, 269, 348
Consider pairs (x,y) of numbers where sum(p|x) p + sum(q|y) q = x*sum(p|x) 1/p + y*sum(q|y) 1/q where p, q are primes and sum(p|x) p > sum(q|y) q.
Or, pairs of numbers x and y where A008472(x) + A008472(y) = A069359(x) + A069359(y) where A008472(x) > A008472(y).
A001222(a(2n -1)) = 1 and A001222(a(2n)) >= 3.
For the vast majority of the time, a(2n-1) is prime. There seems to be about 1 pair per decade.
Conjecture: a(2n) < a(2n+2) for all n>0, but there are many times (1/10.84) that a(2n) + 1 = a(2n+2).
Conjecture: if a(2n-1) is prime then a(2n) is composite and vice versa. And when a(2n-1) is composite, it is congruent to 0 (mod 6). - Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 22 2015
The first conjecture appears to be satisfied because if both x and y were prime then the sum of the A008472 were the sum of the two primes and the sum of the A069359 were two. - R. J. Mathar, Aug 03 2015
3 and 8 is first pair of this sequence because A008472(3) + A008472(8) = 3 + 2 = 5 is equal to A069359(3) + A069359(8) = 1 + 4 = 5.
f[n_] := f[n] = Block[{fi = FactorInteger[n][[All, 1]]}, {Plus @@ fi, n*Plus @@ (1/fi)}] /; n > 0; k =3; lst = {}; While[ k < 400, j = 2; While[ j < k, If[ f[k][[1]] + f[j][[1]] == f[k][[2]] + f[j][[2]] && f[k][[1]] != f[k][[2]], AppendTo[lst, {j, k}]]; j++]; k++]; lst // Flatten (* Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 22 2015 *)
Corrected and edited by Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 22 2015