a(n) is the least integer such that there is an n-element set of integers between 0 and a(n), the sums of pairs (of not necessarily distinct elements) of which are distinct.
From David W. Wilson, Aug 17 2007: (Start)
An n-mark Golomb ruler has a unique integer distance between any pair of marks and thus measures n(n-1)/2 distinct integer distances.
An optimal n-mark Golomb ruler has the smallest possible length (distance between the two end marks) for an n-mark ruler.
A perfect n-mark Golomb ruler has length exactly n(n-1)/2 and measures each distance from 1 to n(n-1)/2. (End)
From Gus Wiseman, May 17 2019: (Start)
Also the smallest m such that there exists a length-n composition of m for which every restriction to a subinterval has a different sum. Representatives of compositions for the first few terms are:
0: ()
1: (1)
3: (2,1)
6: (2,3,1)
11: (3,1,5,2)
17: (4,2,3,7,1)
Representatives of corresponding Golomb rulers are:
CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, 1996, p. 315.
A. K. Dewdney, Computer Recreations, Scientific Amer. 253 (No. 6, Jun), 1985, pp. 16ff; 254 (No. 3, March), 1986, pp. 20ff.
S. W. Golomb, How to number a graph, pp. 23-37 of R. C. Read, editor, Graph Theory and Computing. Academic Press, NY, 1972.
Richard K. Guy, Unsolved Problems in Number Theory (2nd edition), Springer-Verlag (1994), Section C10.
A. Kotzig and P. J. Laufer, Sum triangles of natural numbers having minimum top, Ars. Combin. 21 (1986), 5-13.
Miller, J. C. P., Difference bases. Three problems in additive number theory. Computers in number theory (Proc. Sci. Res. Council Atlas Sympos. No. 2, Oxford, 1969), pp. 299--322. Academic Press, London,1971. MR0316269 (47 #4817)
Rhys Price Jones, Gracelessness, Proc. 10th S.-E. Conf. Combin., Graph Theory and Computing, 1979, pp. 547-552.
Ana Salagean, David Gardner and Raphael Phan, Index Tables of Finite Fields and Modular Golomb Rulers, in Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 7280, 2012, pp. 136-147.
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
A. K. Dewdney, Computer Recreations, Scientific Amer. 253 (No. 6, Jun), 1985, pp. 16ff; 254 (No. 3, March), 1986, pp. 20ff. [Annotated scanned copy]
Distributed.Net, Project OGR
Kent Freeman, Unpublished notes. [Scanned copy]
Michael Geißer, Theresa Körner, Sascha Kurz, and Anne Zahn, Squares with three digits, arXiv:2112.00444 [math.NT], 2021.
S. W. Golomb, Letter to N. J. A. Sloane, 1972.
A. Kotzig and P. J. Laufer, Sum triangles of natural numbers having minimum top, Ars. Combin. 21 (1986), 5-13. [Annotated scanned copy]
Joseph Malkevitch, Weird Rulers.
G. Martin and K. O'Bryant, Constructions of generalized Sidon sets, arXiv:math/0408081 [math.NT], 2004-2005.
L. Miller, Golomb Rulers
K. O'Bryant, Sets of Natural Numbers with Proscribed Subsets, J. Int. Seq. 18 (2015) # 15.7.7
Ed Pegg, Jr., Math Games: Rulers, Arrays, and Gracefulness
B. Rankin, Golomb Ruler Calculations
W. Schneider, Golomb Rulers
J. B. Shearer, Golomb ruler table
J. B. Shearer, Table of Known Optimal Golomb Rulers
J. B. Shearer, Difference Triangle Sets: Known optimal solutions.
J. B. Shearer, Difference Triangle Sets: Discoverers
David Singmaster, David Fielker, N. J. A. Sloane, Correspondence, August 1979
N. J. A. Sloane, First few optimal Golomb rulers
D. Vanderschel et al., In Search Of The Optimal 20, 21 and 22 Mark Golomb Rulers
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Golomb Ruler.
Wikipedia, Golomb ruler
a(n) >= n(n-1)/2, with strict inequality for n >= 5 (Golomb). - David W. Wilson, Aug 18 2007
a(5)=11 because 0-1-4-9-11 (0-2-7-10-11) resp. 0-3-4-9-11 (0-2-7-8-11) are shortest: there is no b0-b1-b2-b3-b4 with different distances |bi-bj| and max. |bi-bj| < 11.
Min@@Total/@#&/@GatherBy[Select[Join@@Permutations/@Join@@Table[IntegerPartitions[i], {i, 0, 15}], UnsameQ@@ReplaceList[#, {___, s__, ___}:>Plus[s]]&], Length] (* Gus Wiseman, May 17 2019 *)
from itertools import combinations, combinations_with_replacement, count
def a(n):
for k in count(n-1):
for c in combinations(range(k), n-1):
c = c + (k, )
ss = set()
for s in combinations_with_replacement(c, 2):
if sum(s) in ss: break
else: ss.add(sum(s))
if len(ss) == n*(n+1)//2: return k # Jianing Song, Feb 14 2025, adapted from the python program of A345731
425 sent by Ed Pegg Jr, Nov 15 2004
a(25), a(26) proved by OGR-25 and OGR-26 projects, added by Max Alekseyev, Sep 29 2010
a(27) proved by OGR-27, added by David Consiglio, Jr., Jun 09 2014
a(28) proved by OGR-28, added by David Consiglio, Jr., Jan 19 2023