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User talk:Jon E. Schoenfield
Hi Jon (I don’t know if this is the right way to talk to you in private as I have never used this feature, my apologies if this is wrong). Anyway, your last remark about the Collatz name made me think: « Perhaps Jon and Heinz are right, the Collatz word shouldn’t be present in the submission — as my ´Redux rules’ and the original ´Collatz protocol’ are so distinct »… I then said to myself « Well, it’s too late know to change what you’ve written in your blog, Eric, or to cancel your submission to the OEIS — but remember the lesson for the next time! » I then thought — « What would be a closer (but different and new) rule to the original Collatz sequence? » And this idea popped up: the Ztalloc rule !-)
Orbit of 53 under the Ztalloc rule, which asks to divide N by 2 if N is even and to compute (N + 1)*3 if N is odd.
53-162-81-246-123-372-186-93-282-141-426-213-642-321-966-483-1452-726-363-1092-546-273-822-411-1236-618-309-930-465-1398-699-2100-1050-525-1578-789-2370-1185-3558-1779-5340-2670-1335-4008-2004-1002-501-1506-753-2262-1131-3396-1698-849-2550-1275-3828-1914-957-284-1437-4314-2157-6474-3237-9714-4857-14574-7287-21864-10932-5466-2733-8202-4101-12306-6153-18462-9231-27696-13848-6924-3462-1731-5196-2598-1299-3900-1950-975-2928-1464-732-366-183-552-276-138-69-210-105-318-159-480-240-120-60-30-15-48-24-12-6-3 (enters the 3-12-6 loop).
Question: if the orbit of 53 is the longest of the orbits starting with integers under 100, would you mind to co-sign this seq with me and submit it to the OEIS? Keeping the Ztalloc name — as this is Collatz reversed, which echoes the reversed operations MULTIPLY by 3 and then ADD 1 (Ztalloc does, for the same odd integers, ADD 1 and then MULTIPLY by 3). What do you think? Best, É.