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User:William Entriken
William Entriken is an experienced financial professional who understands M&A, business, and technology concepts and goes that extra step to deliver increased sales or process transformations. William is currently a Senior Financial Analyst at a publicly-traded integrated engineering and technology services organization. William has responsibility for the budget and forecasting process & systems for the $1bn company, valuation of business segments, and leading technology initiatives to improve finance processes. From 2002 to 2006, William started a consulting business to create websites for clients with experience in branding, referral business, and sale of digital products, as well as collaboration with government agencies to secure online vulnerabilities -- successfully paying for college. William's formal education includes a three-summer engineering apprenticeship with the U.S. Navy for ship system programming, a B.S. Computer and Electrical Engineering from Villanova, and a M.S. Finance and MBA dual masters from Drexel University.