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User:Vaia Patta

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I was born in Greece; I learned English, German and French while in school. I got my Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and my Master thesis was on Quantum Algorithms under the supervision of Dr Nikos Gkanoulis. I got a perfect grade on that work and was encouraged by my examiners to pursue further study in a related area.

I then did my doctorate at the University of Oxford, at the Department of Computer Science, under Dr Chris Heunen and Dr Jamie Vicary. The main part of that project was a categorical axiomatisation of Entropy, from which sprung some interesting mathematics, and which has led to many possible future directions of research, both in Physics and Mathematics. Another part of the project was on categories of matroids and strong maps between them; a relevant paper has been published in Applied Categorical Structures.

I have presented my work in many conferences and workshops, including PSSL 101 in Leeds and an invited talk at Swansea University. I have also attended numerous conferences and workshops on Quantum Mechanics, Category Theory, Logic and/or Foundations, which have given me inspiration and perspective.

During my doctorate I have done a lot of teaching for colleges, departments and training centres at my University, covering a range of subjects in Mathematics and Computer Science. The teaching varied also in its form and context, from lab demonstrations to class teaching and marking to one-on-one tutoring; notably, the latter involved me planning and organising the tutorials throughout the term, deciding what would be covered, being in charge of preparing my own teaching material, choosing how to evaluate the student and being responsible for the final mark. In June 2016 I achieved the status of Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education.

I have also been involved with outreach. This was mainly school outreach as a STEM Ambassador (with an award to show off!) with pupils of various ages, encompassing a range of activities, from practical demonstrations to a public lecture on quantum computing. I have also participated in Bright Club (research-related stand-up comedy), which was quite fun.

I am also a reviewer for Applied Categorical Structures.

I don't have a personal website yet, but I do have professional accounts on several websites.

Visit my student page on the University of Oxford website (probably to be deleted soon):

Visit my Academia page:

Visit my ResearchGate page:

Visit my ORCID page:

Visit my LinkedIn page:

Visit my Publons page:

You can also see my doctorate on the Mathematics Genealogy Project page:

And you can read it on the University of Oxford repository:

Lastly, you can read my matroids paper on arXiv: