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User:Rémi Eismann
From OeisWiki
To contact me: OeisWiki e-mail or remi eismann at protonmail com
46 years old, France.
2001: master's degree in engineering, energy engineering and environment - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA de Lyon).
Personal work on numbers
- Decomposition into weight × level + jump
- OEIS sequences submitted
- OEIS sequences submitted and/or edited
External links
- arXiv:0711.0865 [math.NT]: Decomposition into weight × level + jump and application to a new classification of primes, 2007 - 2010.
- Website with 1000 sequences decomposed. 3D graphs (WebGL - three.js), 2D graphs, first 500 terms, CSV files. My data have not been verified, you can download a complete dump of my database (, ~105 MB, central table “sequences” and 1 table per sequence), all CSV files (.zip, ~73 MB, 1000 .csv) and all images (.zip, ~40 MB, 1002 .jpg, 2 .gif).
- Old website (no more maintained): Decomposition into weight * level + jump and application to a new classification of primes.