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User:Rick Novile

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Hello! My name's Rick (not legally, but it's what I go by everywhere I can choose to!), and I'm an amateur mathematician and programmer!

I have a fascination with both mathematics and computing, to such a degree that I've gone on a multi-year mathematical endeavor to find the intersection points of the graph y-x = y^x - x^y, simply because I thought the graph it made on Desmos was quite neat!

My education in math proper only extends partway into a failed AP Calculus BC course, a course I took online, which I subsequently failed, as I spent more time on the material and learning the math, rather than finishing my assignments. Since then, though, I've continued to learn and teach myself mathematics informally, primarily through Wikipedia and YouTube, with channels such as Numberphile and 3blue1brown being particular favorites.

I also have a homegrown, home-built website located at, which runs on a hand-built webserver written by me in the Crystal programming language!