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User:Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
From OeisWiki
Works at Google, Mountain View, CA. -- Working with hardware engineers building Google's Pixel phones. Used to work at:
- Skybox Imaging (Google), Mountain View, CA. -- Fun fact: my signature is floating in low earth orbit, on board of SkySat-3 ( It is expected to stay there for 10-15 years.
- YouTube (Google), San Bruno, CA. -- Fun fact: YouTube won an Emmy while I worked there.
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA. -- I used to work on Phenix and cctbx (
- Yale University, New Haven, CT. -- Fun fact: I used to work in a building donated by Perry Bass, also known for financing the Biosphere 2 project.
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland. -- During this time I deposited zeolite coordination sequences into EIS. Fun fact: by publishing a paper with N.J.A. Sloane I got Erdős number 3.
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. -- Crystallography.