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User:Peter Luschny/OEISLogoBanner

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The O E I S Logo & Banner


With TeX & Tikz

Below is the source of the OEIS banner and logo. Compiled with any LaTeX distribution it returns a pdf-file which provides the banner and the logo in vector format. From this file it is easy to capture a graphic in pixel format of relatively high quality of any desired size.

The quality of the banner is based on the use of the Palatino font with real small caps and on character protruding and micro-typography.

% Packages
\RequirePackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % announce coding
\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}       % font endcoding Latex Latin, "Cork"
\RequirePackage{textcomp}          % Latex Latin symbol encoding
\RequirePackage{relsize}           % scale font up or down
% Using PDFLaTeX:
\pdfcompresslevel=9 \pdfadjustspacing=1
% Font Stuff
\RequirePackage[osf,sc]{mathpazo} % Palatino with real small caps and old style figures
\RequirePackage{microtype}        % character protruding and other micro-typography stuff
\areaset[15mm] {284pt}{574pt}
% Fancy Stuff
\RequirePackage{textcase}         % for \MakeTextUppercase
% Hyperreferences
\hypersetup{pdftitle={Banner for OEIS},pdfauthor={Peter H. N. Luschny\xspace}}


% Logo
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [shift={(-13.4 cm,-5.9cm)}]  at (current page.north east) {
\node [red] at (0.90, 3.3) {\scriptsize \texttt{0}};
\node [red] at (1.85, 3.3) {\scriptsize \texttt{1}};
\node [red] at (2.85, 3.3) {\scriptsize \texttt{3}};
\node [red] at (3.95, 3.3) {\scriptsize \texttt{6}};
\node [red] at (5.00, 3.3) {\scriptsize \texttt{2}};
\node [red] at (6.05, 3.3) {\scriptsize \texttt{7}};
\node [red] at (1, 2.45)   {\scriptsize \texttt{.}};
\node [red] at (1, 2.05)   {\scriptsize \texttt{.}};
\node [red] at (1, 1.65)   {\scriptsize \texttt{.}};
\node [black] at (2.70, 2.25) {\textbf{\textsf{O}}};
\node [black] at (3.95, 2.25) {\textbf{\textsf{E}}};
\node [black] at (2.75, 1.17) {\textbf{\textsf{I}}};
\node [black] at (4.05, 1.17) {\textbf{\textsf{S}}};
\node [red] at (5.7, 2.6)   {\scriptsize \texttt{13}};
\node [red] at (5.7, 1.75)  {\scriptsize \texttt{20}};
\node [red] at (5.7, 0.95)  {\scriptsize \texttt{12}};
\node [red] at (1.0, 0.95)  {\scriptsize \texttt{23}};
\node [red] at (1.00, 0.18) {\scriptsize \texttt{10}};
\node [red] at (2.55, 0.18) {\scriptsize \texttt{22}};
\node [red] at (4.10 ,0.18) {\scriptsize \texttt{11}};
\node [red] at (5.70 ,0.18) {\scriptsize \texttt{21}};
}; \end{tikzpicture}

\spacedallcaps{The On--Line Encyclopedia}

\spacedallcaps{of  Integer  Sequences
\hspace{-9pt} \textbf{\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}}


{founded in 1964 by N. J. A. Sloane}}
