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User:Nathan L. Skirrow/useful polynomiality

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this is mostly intended as a small reference page for myself, but also a complete derivation because (though all is well-known) none of the StackExchange answers or papers I've seen seem to explain it very thoroughly


herein, we use in the manner of programming languages; and . Like how , we have

as per usual, let and .


since , one can choose to make it , then for , so , and in particular


, so given , one can choose to get , then to change the left side to , so

Gauss's multiplication formula (factorial splitting)

define the -multifactorial , then (since holds everywhere) we have .

We also have , so we can put the multifactorial-as-factorial-fraction formula inside the factorial-as-multifactorial-product!

since it holds for all , we can find the -independent denominator exactly! (not relevant here)

by letting in order for Stirling's approximation to become exact, and also using , ie.

(see my page for applying this to integrals, with an interpretation of Stirling's approximation)

putting these together, we get

and when offset,


let , then the Lagrange inversion theorem gives .

(note that Lagrange inversion's " must have nonzero derivative at " criterion prevents us from giving the second term an arbitrary exponent )

In this case, for , , so (substituting )

this also means

splitting the factorials,

the case is the only one which isn't reducible to a lower-degree hypergeometric, because the second member of the denominator Pochhammers which cancels the first numerator doesn't exist yet,

and since we have and ,

another application is to determine the growth rate of the -bonacci numbers, defined . Their o.g.f. is , whose denominator's closest root (and only one within the unit circle) is the real one (the principal value that the hypergeom gets!),

with c1=1, c2=A094214, c3=A192918; in particular, we can normalise the cubic and get

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