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User:Nathan L. Skirrow/A156744 and square hyperpyramids

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Herein, we define and for differentiation purposes; with , the reflection formulae become and .


A156744 is defined such that for any degree- polynomial (with ), one has

(where )

the Lagrange interpolation formula says we have

the summand numerator differentiates to , at this becomes . Since we're concerned with integer indexes in power series, this becomes , providing the closed form .

even-dimensional square hyperpyramids

we will define the square hyperpyramids slightly differently from Square hyperpyramidal numbers

let and , a figurate number in dimensions. (In that page, ) We're concerned with .

In particular (note that ),

note that , meaning it can be written without the exception term as if you adopt the convention that summands (when unevaluatable without division by ) are to be considered equal to (ie. the Cauchy principal value, defined without the integral).

this may be rewritten as

the partial sums are thusly

since (as ) the difference between the th and th summand approaches , the s asymptotically cancel each other out, leaving