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User:Meritxell Vila Miñana

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I’m a high school student from Catalonia, Spain. When I was young I followed the mathematics program Kumon, learning fundamental mathematics and developing my curiosity for this field of knowledge. I also took place in other mathematics programs for young students, such as “Anem x + Mates” and “Bojos per les matemàtiques”. I did my compulsory studies in “Sadako” school, in Barcelona, and I’m currently taking my high school studies in “Aula Escola Europea” school, in Barcelona, thanks to a scholarship provided by “Fundació CiM’s Cellex”. Because of that, I had the opportunity to take part of the International Science Program Xlab, in Göttingen, Germany, in 2017. I also have been given a scientific scholarship named “Joves i Ciència”, thanks to which I had the opportunity to collaborate in a physics research project at IFAE, in Barcelona. Recently, I’ve been working in my own mathematics research project and studied the “Reverse and Subtract” process. Continuing the work started by J. H. E. Cohn in 1988 and K. Brockhaus in 2002, I’ve found some sequences that are missing in the OEIS data base and I would like to provide them. You can contact me at: