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User:Kam Kong
Have been genuinely interested in Mathematics from a very young age. I coined the word 'mathlusiverse' which means 'Universe is Illusion of Mathematics'.
We are the Our Universe, not more and not less. Our physical bodies, experiences, and imaginations are Our Universe. Theories and concepts are our vocabulary for housekeeping. Advanced mathematics is our grammar for theories and concepts. Description first, explanation second. We recover Our Universe using advanced mathematics. We mine mathematics to hone theory-crafting skill. Our Universe has no use of our theories and concepts. Our Universe has no use of advanced mathematics. Elementary mathematics is all there is. Advanced mathematics is a manifestation of elementary mathematics. Elementary mathematics encapsulates advanced mathematics. Elementary mathematics encapsulates Our Universe. Causality is meaningless in mathematics.
Our Universe is a mathematical illusion. The question is “How does Mathematics do it?”. The real question is “What is Mathematics?”. The ultimate question is “Why is Mathematics so awesome?” Our Universe is truly awesome!