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User:Jon Awbrey/Figures and Tables 19

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Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic


Version 4.0

Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic 4.0.png

Version 3.0

Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic 3.0.png

Version 2.0

Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic 2.0.png

Version 1.0

Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic.png


Differential Logic • Variables {x, a, b, c}

Table 1 shows the cactus graphs, the corresponding cactus expressions, their logical meanings under the so-called existential interpretation, and their translations into conventional notations for a sample of basic propositional forms.

Rooted Node.jpg
Rooted Edge.jpg
Cactus A Big.jpg
Cactus (A) Big.jpg
Cactus ABC Big.jpg
Cactus ((A)(B)(C)) Big.jpg
Cactus (A(B)) Big.jpg

Cactus (A,B) Big.jpg

Cactus ((A,B)) Big.jpg

Cactus (A,B,C) Big.jpg

Cactus ((A),(B),(C)) Big.jpg

Cactus (A,(B,C)) Big.jpg

Cactus (X,(A),(B),(C)) Big.jpg

Logical Graphs • Variables {x, a, b, c}

Rooted Node.jpg
Rooted Edge.jpg
Cactus A Big.jpg
Cactus (A) Big.jpg
Cactus ABC Big.jpg
Cactus ((A)(B)(C)) Big.jpg
Cactus (A(B)) Big.jpg

Cactus (A,B) Big.jpg

Cactus ((A,B)) Big.jpg

Cactus (A,B,C) Big.jpg

Cactus ((A),(B),(C)) Big.jpg

Cactus (A,(B,C)) Big.jpg

Cactus (X,(A),(B),(C)) Big.jpg


Differential Propositional Calculus • Variables {w, x, y, z}


Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems • Variables {w, x, y, z}