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User:Jamie Ansell

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I have a Masters Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from The University of Bristol and I currently work as a Software Developer for Genomics PLC based in Oxford. You can find a brief bio a wrote on the Genomics website under "Jamie Ansell"

I like to do mathematics and coding challenges in my spare time. I occasionally look up sequences in this database and have a particular interest in sequences for which not many terms are known. With these sequences I like to see if I can write a faster program to generate a few more terms.

I've currently been working out if the card game "Beggar my Neighbour", also known as "Strip Jack Naked", contains a starting state which leads to an infinite loop. It's an entirely deterministic game with no player choice involved so the outcome is determined once the cards have been dealt. I've already found some intriguing results from involving simpler variants of this game, including some number sequences that I hope are of interest to this community.