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User:Ilya Weinstein

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Ilya A. Weinstein, Prof.Dr. Address: NANOTECH Centre, Ural Federal University, Mira street, 19, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620002

Tel.: +7 343 375 73 94 – Office Fax: +7 343 375 73 93 E-mail:

Education: M.Sc., Ural State Technical University, Ekaterinburg, 1993 Research area: Optical spectroscopy of widegap materials Publications (Scopus and/or WoS): 107 Patents of Russian Federation: 23 h-index: 13

Degree: 1997 – Ph.D. (Dr.), Solid State Physics, Ural State Technical University, Ekaterinburg 2009 – Dr.Sc.(Prof.), Solid State Physics, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg

Positions: 2009 – current – Head of NANOTECH Centre, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Associations: Russian Optical Society – Real member Optical Society of America – Senior member

Pedagogical, Teaching, Lectures and Laboratories: Materials & Devices of Optoelectronics Experimental Methods and Metrology Design of Experiment Nanotechnologies & Nanomaterials Methods & Tools of Measurements in Nanotechnology Supervising the students and PhD students etc.