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User:Hal M. Switkay

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Hal M. Switkay grew up in Philadelphia, PA. He does mathematical statistics consulting, and blogs on his website: He earned his B.A. and M.A. in mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania with a minor in philosophy, a Ph.D. in mathematics at Lehigh University, a M.S. in applied statistics and a graduate certificate in business from West Chester University. His interests include theoretical and applied mathematics, including geometry, voting, statistics, and the sensible communication of abstract information. He has taught mathematics and statistics, from remedial to advanced, has done public speaking, and is a musician and composer. His papers include "The Significance of Statistical Significance", "A Probabilistic Epidemiological Model", "Generalizing the Sharpe Ratio and Infinite Divisibility in Financial Markets", "Comment on Subramanian and Kumar", and "Consecutively Halved Positional Voting: A Special Case of Geometric Voting".