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User:Cristian Mesiano
(2006-2009) Master Degree, University of Milan Computer Science, dissertation on Fractal images compression: "Description od Hyperbolic Fractal by contour analysis". Grade: 110/110 cum laude
(2000-2004) Bachelor Degree, University of Milan Computer Science, dissertation on Brain Computer interface: "Classification of evoked potentials through recurrent neural networks" Grade: 110/110 cum laude
Publications - An attention monitoring system for high demand operational tasks (IEEE transactions on neural networks - 2004) - Statistical parameter identification of analog integrated circuits, reverse models. Artificial Neural Networks (Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research - 2010)
Work Experience (May 2010 - today) SwissRE ltd (Zürich) +10.000 employes Data mining and Text Analytics stream lead. Documents Auto Classification, Auto Splitting and Document Data Extraction.