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User:Craig Knecht
A261347 Water Retention Model
The water retention model progressed from the specific case of the magic square to a more generalized system of random levels. A quite interesting counter-intuitive finding is that a random two-level system will retain more water than a random three-level system when the size of the square is greater than 51 X 51. Percolation theory explains this landscape.
A366704 Fundamental polyads
Certain polyiamond tiles can have an infinite series of fundamental polyads.
A367172 Maximum polyiamond tilings
There are many things of interest here. Perhaps the most interesting is how few different total maximum tilings there are. For instance the 160 order 9 polyiamonds have two maximum tiling values, 256 and 464.
A291582 Sphinx tile - Maximum symmetry
Maximum symmetry of a sphinx tiling of the T12 triangle which in turn is used to form a hexagon.
A377978 Coronal expansion number
Various polyiamonds, including those that have the smallest perimeter, form a corona around an expansion frame.