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Theme One Program • Appendices

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Author: Jon Awbrey


Table 1. Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic

Table 1 collects a sample of basic propositional forms as expressed in terms of cactus language connectives.

Syntax and Semantics of a Calculus for Propositional Logic 4.0.png

Table A. Existential Interpretation

Table A illustrates the existential interpretation of cactus graphs and cactus expressions by providing English translations for a few of the most basic and commonly occurring forms.

Existential Interpretation.png

Table B. Entitative Interpretation

Table B illustrates the entitative interpretation of cactus graphs and cactus expressions by providing English translations for a few of the most basic and commonly occurring forms.

Entitative Interpretation.png

Table C. Logical Interpretations of Cactus Structures

The two ways of mapping cactus structures to logical meanings are summarized in Table C, which compares the entitative and existential interpretations of the basic cactus structures, in effect, the graphical constants and connectives.

Logical Interpretations of Cactus Structures • En Ex.png