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Template:Today in Math History for June 27
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Calendar of Today in Math History for June
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- June 27, 1754 Abraham de Moivre is elected to the Académie des Sciences.
- June 27, 1796 Gauss proves the quadratic reciprocity law using quadratic forms.
- June 27, 1806 Augustus De Morgan is born in Madura (now Madurai).
- June 27, 1831 Sophie Germain dies in Paris.
- June 27, 1849 Augustus De Morgan turns 43, and takes note of the fact that his age is the square root of the year. (Those born in 1980 will be able to say the same thing when they turn 45 in 2025, see A002378).
- June 27, 1908 University of Göttingen announces the Wolfskehl Prize for the proof of Fermat's conjecture.
- June 27, 1997 Andrew Wiles collects the Wolfskehl Prize for his proof of Fermat's conjecture.