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Template:Today in Math History for August 28

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Calendar of Today in Math History for August
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  • August 28, 1742 Leonhard Euler writes a letter to Christian Goldbach mentioning the identity (Léon Aurifeuille will rediscover a special case in the following century, see Aurifeuillian factorizations).
  • August 28, 1857 James Clerk Maxwell writes a letter to Lewis Campbell sketching some thoughts on Saturn's ring. He will go on to write a paper on the topic which George Airy will deem "one of the most remarkable applications of mathematics to physics."
  • August 28, 1867 Maxime Bôchet is born in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • August 28, 1880 Max Noether marries Ida Amalia Kaufmann. (Their daughter Emmy Noether was born about a year and a half later, she would go on to become a famous mathematician and improve on some of her father's work).