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This documentation subpage contains instructions, categories, or other information for Template:List. [<Edit> Template:List]

[⧼Purge⧽ Template:List/doc]

The {{list}} list function template may be used to create a list (with up to 257 items, matching the capabilities of {{vertical bar graph from lists}} or {{bar graph from lists}}) from a b-file segment or a function, otherwise returns an error message.

The {{list}} list function template may also be used to get the number of items in a list. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)

The {{list}} list function template may also be used to get the list item at index.

The {{list}} list function template may also be used to put a list item at index. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)


Usage: do = create

To create a list, enter

{{list|do = create|from = b-file|input = input|word = word|list_separator = list_separator}}


{{list|create|from = b-file|input = input|word = word|list_separator = list_separator}}


{{list|do = create|from = function|function = function|start = start|step = step|count = count|list_separator = list_separator}}


{{list|create|from = function|function = function|start = start|step = step|count = count|list_separator = list_separator}}

Usage: do = getLength

{{list|do = getLength|list = list|list_separator = list_separator}}



Usage: do = get

{{list|do = get|list = list|at = index|list_separator = list_separator}}



Usage: do = put

{{list|do = put|list = list|item = item|at = index|list_separator = list_separator}}



Valid input

  • do is create, getLength, get, put, ... (default is create)
  • from is b-file, function, ... (default is b-file)
  • input is a segment from a b-file (maximum of 257 lines of n a(n) pairs, separated with a single space, each line ending with a new line character)
  • word is zero-based index of word or number (default is 1, as a(n) is second number of a b-file line)
  • function is the name of a mathematical function template to call on its first argument (all other arguments of the function must have default values) (used in conjunction with from = function)
  • start is first value of argument (used in conjunction with from = function)
  • step is increment/decrement amount of argument (used in conjunction with from = function)
  • count is the number of steps (maximum is 257 steps) (used in conjunction with from = function)
  • list is a list (used in conjunction with do = getLength, do = get and do = put)
  • item a new list item (used in conjunction with do = put)
  • at is list item index (nonnegative from start of list, negative from end of list) (used in conjunction with do = get and do = put)
  • list_separator is character to use to separate the list items (default is ,)


Examples: do = create

Examples: do = create & from = function

Examples with valid input

| do = create
| from = function
| function = Fibonacci
| start = -20
| step = 1
| count = 41
| <!-- list_separator = , --> 



| do = create
| from = function
| function = Fibonacci
| start = -20
| step = 2
| count = 21
| <!-- list_separator = , --> 



| do = create
| from = function
| <!-- function = n --> 
| start = -128
| step = 1
| count = 257
| <!-- list_separator = , --> 



| do = create
| from = function
| <!-- function = n --> 
| start = -1280
| step = 10
| count = 257
| <!-- list_separator = , --> 



Examples: do = create & from = b-file

Examples with valid input

| do = create
| from = b-file
| <!-- word = 1 -->
| <!-- list_separator = , -->
| input =
0 0
1 1
2 -1
3 2
4 -2
5 3
6 -3
7 4
8 -4
9 5
10 -5
11 6
12 -6
13 7
14 -7
15 8



| do = create
| from = b-file
| <!-- word = 1 -->
| <!-- list_separator = , -->
| input =
0 0
1 1
2 -1
3 2
4 -2
5 3
6 -3
7 4
8 -4
9 5
10 -5
11 6
12 -6
13 7
14 -7
15 8
16 -8
17 9
18 -9
19 10
20 -10
21 11
22 -11
23 12
24 -12
25 13
26 -13
27 14
28 -14
29 15
30 -15
31 16
32 -16
33 17
34 -17
35 18
36 -18
37 19
38 -19
39 20
40 -20
41 21
42 -21
43 22
44 -22
45 23
46 -23
47 24
48 -24
49 25
50 -25
51 26
52 -26
53 27
54 -27
55 28
56 -28
57 29
58 -29
59 30
60 -30
61 31
62 -31
63 32
64 -32
65 33
66 -33
67 34
68 -34
69 35
70 -35
71 36
72 -36
73 37
74 -37
75 38
76 -38
77 39
78 -39
79 40
80 -40
81 41
82 -41
83 42
84 -42
85 43
86 -43
87 44
88 -44
89 45
90 -45
91 46
92 -46
93 47
94 -47
95 48
96 -48
97 49
98 -49
99 50
100 -50
101 51
102 -51
103 52
104 -52
105 53
106 -53
107 54
108 -54
109 55
110 -55
111 56
112 -56
113 57
114 -57
115 58
116 -58
117 59
118 -59
119 60
120 -60
121 61
122 -61
123 62
124 -62
125 63
126 -63
127 64
128 -64
129 65
130 -65
131 66
132 -66
133 67
134 -67
135 68
136 -68
137 69
138 -69
139 70
140 -70
141 71
142 -71
143 72
144 -72
145 73
146 -73
147 74
148 -74
149 75
150 -75
151 76
152 -76
153 77
154 -77
155 78
156 -78
157 79
158 -79
159 80
160 -80
161 81
162 -81
163 82
164 -82
165 83
166 -83
167 84
168 -84
169 85
170 -85
171 86
172 -86
173 87
174 -87
175 88
176 -88
177 89
178 -89
179 90
180 -90
181 91
182 -91
183 92
184 -92
185 93
186 -93
187 94
188 -94
189 95
190 -95
191 96
192 -96
193 97
194 -97
195 98
196 -98
197 99
198 -99
199 100
200 -100
201 101
202 -101
203 102
204 -102
205 103
206 -103
207 104
208 -104
209 105
210 -105
211 106
212 -106
213 107
214 -107
215 108
216 -108
217 109
218 -109
219 110
220 -110
221 111
222 -111
223 112
224 -112
225 113
226 -113
227 114
228 -114
229 115
230 -115
231 116
232 -116
233 117
234 -117
235 118
236 -118
237 119
238 -119
239 120
240 -120
241 121
242 -121
243 122
244 -122
245 123
246 -123
247 124
248 -124
249 125
250 -125
251 126
252 -126
253 127
254 -127
255 128
256 -128




Code Result Comment
{{list|do = create|from = b-file|input =}} (empty list)

Examples: do = getLength

Not yet implemented (currently returns the list.)

Code Result
{{list|getLength|2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29|;}} Not yet implemented! List: 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29
{{list|getLenght|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}} Not yet implemented! List: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29

Examples: do = get

Code Result
{{list|get|2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29|5|;}} 13
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}} 2
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|0}} 2
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|5}} 13
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|-11}}
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|-10}} 2
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|10}}
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|9}} 29
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|-1}} 29
{{list|get|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|-3}} 19

Examples: do = put

Not yet implemented (currently returns the list.)

Code Result
{{list|put|list = 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29|item = 31|at = -1|list_separator = ;}} Not yet implemented! List: 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29
{{list|put|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|item = 31|at = -1}} Not yet implemented! List: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29
{{list|put|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|31|at = -1}} Not yet implemented! List: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29

Examples with invalid input (returns error message)

Code Result
{{list|getLenght|2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}} List error: Invalid argument, do, must be among create, getLength, get, put
{{list|sort|5, 7, 2, 3, 11, 13, 19, 17}} List error: Invalid argument, do, must be among create, getLength, get, put
{{list|do = create|from = list|input = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13}} List error: Second argument, from, must be among b-file, function, ...


{{List}} template

<noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch: {{{do|{{{1|create}}}}}} 
| create = {{#switch: {{{from|{{{2|b-file}}}}}}
  | b-file = {{trim
    | {{~List
      | do = {{{do|create}}}
      | from = {{{from|b-file}}}
      | word = {{{word|1}}} <!-- second word (index 1) as default, since it is where a(n) appears in a b-file line -->
      | list_separator = {{{list_separator|,}}}
      | input = {{{input|}}}
      }}<!-- No space or new line in here 
 -->| substring={{{list_separator|,}}}
  | function = {{trim| <!-- 
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   0 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   0 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   1 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   1 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   2 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   2 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   3 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   3 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   4 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   4 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   5 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   5 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   6 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   6 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   7 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   7 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   8 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   8 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >   9 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +   9 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--

 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  10 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  10 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  11 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  11 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  12 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  12 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  13 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  13 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  14 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  14 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  15 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  15 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  16 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  16 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  17 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  17 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  18 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  18 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) >  19 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) +  19 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--


<!-- (...) -->


 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 240 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 240 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 241 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 241 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 242 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 242 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 243 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 243 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 244 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 244 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 245 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 245 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 246 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 246 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 247 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 247 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 248 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 248 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 249 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 249 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--

 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 250 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 250 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 251 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 251 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 252 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 252 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 253 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 253 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 254 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 254 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 255 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 255 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 -->{{#ifexpr: ({{{count|257}}}) > 256 | {{ {{{function|n}}} | {{#expr: ({{{start|0}}}) + 256 * ({{{step|1}}}) }} }}{{{list_separator|, }}} |}}<!--
 --><!-- No space or new line in here 
 -->| substring={{{list_separator|,}}}
  | {{error|List error: Second argument, <tt>from</tt>, must be among <tt>b-file</tt> or <tt>function</tt> }}
| getLength = <!--

    get number of list items

 -->Not yet implemented! List: {{{list|{{{2|}}}}}} 
| get = <!--

    returns list item at index (nonnegative from start of list, negative from end of list)

 -->{{#explode: {{{list|{{{2|}}}}}}  
    | {{{list_separator|{{{4|, }}}}}}  
    | {{{at|{{{3|0}}}}}} <!-- index 0 by default -->  
| put = <!--

    returns new list with new item at index (nonnegative from start of list, negative from end of list)

 -->Not yet implemented!  List: {{{list|{{{2|}}}}}}   
| {{error|List error: First argument, <tt>do</tt>, must be among <tt>create</tt>, <tt>getLength</tt>, <tt>get</tt> or <tt>put</tt> }} 

{{~List}} core template

<noinclude>Core function for the {{tlxb|list}} template. 

Extracts the second word (or number,) e.g. <tt>a(n)</tt> from a [[b-file]] line, from each of up to 257 lines, then creates a list from those items, separated with <tt>list_separator</tt> (default ,). 

Trailing <tt>list_separator</tt> (default ,) need to be removed by the {{tlxb|list}} wrapper template.

[[Category:Core function templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]<!--{{documentation}}--></noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch: {{{do|{{{1|create}}}}}} 
| create={{#switch: {{{from|{{{2|b-file}}}}}} <!-- n a(n) pairs separated with single space, lines ending with new line character -->
  | b-file={{#if: {{{input|}}} | <!-- urlencoded: new line as %0A, space as + --><!--
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|  0}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--  
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|  1}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|  2}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|  3}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--


 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|253}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|254}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|255}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}<!--
 -->{{#explode:{{#explode:{{urlencode:{{{input}}}}}|%0A|256}}|+|{{{word|1}}}}}{{{list_separator|, }}}
    | <!-- returns empty list -->
  | {{error|List error: Second argument is not valid }}
| {{error|List error: First argument is not valid }} 

See also