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This documentation subpage contains instructions, categories, or other information for Template:;. [<Edit> Template:;]

[⧼Purge⧽ Template:;/doc]

The {{;}} workaround template is meant to be used when you need a ; (semicolon) which is not parsed by MediaWiki.



NOTE: This template cannot be substituted.


The code

; Line starting with a [parsed by MediaWiki] semicolon.


Line starting with a [parsed by MediaWiki] semicolon.

The code

{{;}} Line starting with a [not parsed by MediaWiki] semicolon.


; Line starting with a [not parsed by MediaWiki] semicolon.

See also

  • {{((}} to get {{ (non wiki parsed double opening braces)
  • {{=}} to get = (non wiki parsed equal sign)
  • {{))}} to get }} (non wiki parsed double closing braces)

  • {{hash}} to get # (non wiki parsed hash symbol)
  • {{*}} to get * (non wiki parsed standard [high] asterisk) (if you want a low asterisk, i.e. instead of *, use {{sym|lowast}})
  • {{colon}} to get : (non wiki parsed colon)
  • {{;}} to get ; (non wiki parsed semicolon)

  • {{(!}} to get {|   (start of a wiki table) DOES NOT WORK (AS THE START OF A WIKI TABLE)! Use {{{!}} instead (note the extra { on the left).
  • {{!}}+ to get |+   (new header row of a wiki table)
  • {{!}}- to get |- or {{!-}} to get |-   (new row of a wiki table)
  • {{!}} to get |   (new row entry, on a new line, of a wiki table)
  • {{!!}} to get ||   (new row entry, on same line, of a wiki table)
  • {{!)}} to get |}   (end of a wiki table) DOES NOT WORK (AS THE END OF A WIKI TABLE)! Use {{!}}} instead (note the extra } on the right).