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This documentation subpage contains instructions, categories, or other information for Template:0expr. [<Edit> Template:0expr]

[⧼Purge⧽ Template:0expr/doc]

The {{0expr}} date mathematics template evaluates an expression if numeric and prepends a leading zero to a nonnegative result less than 10. An empty expression string returns an empty string.




Examples with valid input:

{{0expr|{{CURRENTDOW}}}} = 01, whereas {{CURRENTDOW}} = 1
Code Result
{{0expr|-1}} -1
{{0expr|123/100}} 01.23
{{0expr|1 + 9}} 10
{{0expr|not 10}} 00
{{0expr|(7 <= 8) * 9}} 09
{{0expr|2 + 3}} 05

Examples with invalid input (see formatted numbers for comma separated numbers like 6,500):

Code Result
{{0expr|6,500}} 0expr error: Argument must be a number (or empty string)
{{0expr|one}} 0expr error: Argument must be a number (or empty string)
{{0expr|3 blobs}} 0expr error: Argument must be a number (or empty string)


-->{{ifnum| {{#if: {{{1|}}} | {{{1}}} | 0 }}
| {{#if: {{{1|}}}
  | {{ {{{subst|}}}#ifexpr: ( 0 <= {{#expr: ( {{{1}}} ) + 0 }} ) and ( {{#expr: ( {{{1}}} ) + 0 }} < 10 ) | 0 }}<!-- prepend a zero
 -->{{ {{{subst|}}}#expr: {{{1}}} }}
  | <!-- 00 --><!-- return empty string -->
| {{error| 0expr error: Argument must be a number (or empty string) }}

See also