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Talk:Base conversion

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Alternate format

One can represent numbers to any base, using only the digits 0-9 as follows:
1. Use base powers left of the radix point as 1,2,3... and right of the radix point as any remainder<base.
2. There will be gaps where a single number does not suffice, so summation must be used.
As example, lets use base=11.
1.0(b11)= 1*11^1
9.10(b11)= 9*11+10=109
10.0(b11)= 1*(11^2)=121
Note the gap from 109 to 121. For these values, say for 115, one can use 9.10(b11)+ 0.6(b11) = 109+6
--Bill McEachen (talk) 14:37, 3 December 2020 (EST)