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Phi numeral system

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The phi numeral system (golden ratio base, golden section base, golden mean base, ϕ -base, base ϕ, phinary, phigital) uses the golden ratio (symbolized by the Greek letter ϕ) as the base for a non-integer base positional numeral system. Although it is an irrational base, it is not only algebraic, but quadratic, and it is the number with the simplest continued fraction expansion (expressed with all ones) and nested radicals expansion (again, expressed with all ones).

Any non-negative real number can be represented as a base
numeral using only the digits 0 and 1, and avoiding the digit sequence “11” - this is called a standard form, the representation thus obtained is unique. A base
numeral that includes the digit sequence “11” can always be rewritten in standard form, using the algebraic properties of the base
 —most notably that
ϕ + 1 = ϕ 2
. For instance,
11ϕ = 100ϕ
. Despite using an irrational number base, all integers have a unique representation as a terminating (finite) base
expansion, but only if in the standard form. Nonintegers also have standard representations in base
, with rational numbers having recurring representations. These representations are unique, except that numbers with a terminating expansion also have a non-terminating expansion, as they do in base 10; for example, 0.99999….

Powers of ϕ in terms of ϕ and Fibonacci numbers

The following table expresses the powers of the Golden ratio
in terms of
itself and Fibonacci numbers, where
ϕ  = 
1 +
2  5

Powers of

ϕn = Fn  − 1 + Fnϕ
ϕ   − n + ϕn = L2n

A005248(n), n   ≥   0
6 5 + 8 ϕ 18
5 3 + 5 ϕ
4 2 + 3 ϕ 7
3 1 + 2 ϕ
2 1 + 1 ϕ 3
1 0 + 1 ϕ
0 1 + 0 ϕ 2
 −1 ( −1) + 1 ϕ
 −2 2 + ( −1) ϕ 3
 −3 ( −3) + 2 ϕ
 − 4 5 + ( −3) ϕ 7
 − 5 ( −8) + 5 ϕ
 − 6 13 + ( −8) ϕ 18

A005248 Bisection of Lucas numbers: a (n) = L (2 n) = A000032 (2 n).

{2, 3, 7, 18, 47, 123, 322, 843, 2207, 5778, 15127, 39603, 103682, 271443, 710647, 1860498, 4870847, 12752043, 33385282, 87403803, 228826127, 599074578, 1568397607, ...}

Unique representation of integers as a sum of non-consecutive powers of ϕ

Base 10 Sum of non-consecutive
powers of
1 ϕ 0 1     
2 ϕ 1 + ϕ −2 10.01  
3 ϕ 2 + ϕ −2 100.01  
4 ϕ 2 + ϕ 0 + ϕ −2 101.01  
5 ϕ 3 + ϕ −1 + ϕ − 4 1000.1001
6 ϕ 3 + ϕ 1 + ϕ − 4 1010.0001
7 ϕ 4 + ϕ − 4 10000.0001
8 ϕ 4 + ϕ 0 + ϕ − 4 10001.0001
9 ϕ 4 + ϕ 1 + ϕ −2 + ϕ − 4 10010.0101
10 ϕ 4 + ϕ 2 + ϕ −2 + ϕ − 4 10100.0101

Phigital representation of some interesting numbers

π = 100.0100101010010001010101000001010...ϕ (A102243)
e = 100.0000100001001000000001000...ϕ (A105165)

See also

External links