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Fractional part

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The fractional part of a real number may be defined in two ways, which differ only for negative numbers.

Definition 1:

The fractional part of a real number is most commonly defined as

where is the floor function (i.e. the integer nearest to ).

With this definition, we have

Definition 2:

The fractional part of a real number is sometimes defined as


  • is the sign function,
  • is the absolute value,
  • is the floor function (i.e. the integer nearest to ),
  • is the ceiling function (i.e. the integer nearest to ) and
  • is the integer part (i.e. the integer nearest to 0).

With this definition, we have

Fractional part of a complex number

The fractional part of a complex number is defined as

where the fractional part definition may be one of the above two for real numbers.

Definition 1:

With this definition, we have


Definition 2:

With this definition, we have


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