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Fibonacci multiplication table

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With defined as the th Fibonacci number (Cf. A000045,) the Fibonacci multiplication table entries are defined by the formula

Row sums of Fibonacci multiplication triangular table

The row sums give the sequence (Cf. A143212)

{1, 2, 8, 21, 60, 160, 429, 1134, 2992, 7865, 20648, 54144, 141897, 371722, 973560, 2549421, 6675460, 17478176, 45761045, 119808150, 313668576, 821205937, ...}

which is given by the formula

In the table below, numbers that are 1 short of the square of a Fibonacci number are given a dashed black border, while those that are 1 over the square of a Fibonacci number are given a thick, solid border. The squares of Fibonacci numbers are given a thin, solid border. (The squares of the Fibonacci numbers are in A007598).

This suggests two equations for the squares of the Fibonacci numbers:


This can be generalized still further to:

A143212: Row sums
1 1
1 1 2
2 2 4 8
3 3 6 9 21
5 5 10 15 25 60
8 8 16 24 40 64 160
13 13 26 39 65 104 169 429
21 21 42 63 105 168 273 441 1134
34 34 68 102 170 272 442 714 1156 2992
55 55 110 165 275 440 715 1155 1870 3025 7865
89 89 178 267 445 712 1157 1869 3026 4895 7921 20648
144 144 288 432 720 1152 1872 3024 4896 7920 12816 20736 54144
233 233 466 699 A022088: Fibonacci-type sequence with initial values 0, 5. (The first four positive values are in row 5). 141897
377 377 754 A022086: Fibonacci-type sequence with initial values 0, 3. (The first three positive values are in row 3). 371722
610 610 A055389: Twice the Fibonacci numbers 973560
987 A000045: The Fibonacci numbers 2549421
A000045: The Fibonacci numbers 6675460

The triangle read by rows is at A143211.

See also