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De Morgan's laws

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The De Morgan's laws are named after Augustus De Morgan (1806–1871)[1] who introduced a formal version of the laws to classical propositional logic. De Morgan's formulation was influenced by algebraization of logic undertaken by George Boole, which later cemented De Morgan's claim to the find. Although a similar observation was made by Aristotle and was known to Greek and Medieval logicians [2] (in the 14th century William of Ockham wrote down the words that would result by reading the laws out,)[3] De Morgan is given credit for stating the laws formally and incorporating them in to the language of logic. De Morgan's Laws can be proved easily, and may even seem trivial.[4] Nonetheless, these laws are helpful in making valid inferences in proofs and deductive arguments.[5]

Set theoretic form

"The complement of an intersection is the union of the complements."


"The complement of a union is the intersection of the complements."

In set theory it is often stated as "Union and intersection interchange under complementation."[6]

The set theoretic binary form of de Morgan's law is

with generalization


and where is some, possibly uncountable, indexing set.

In set notation, De Morgan's law can be remembered using the mnemonic "break the line, change the sign."[7]

Logic forms

"The negation of a conjunction is the disjunction of the negations."


"The negation of a disjunction is the conjunction of the negations."

Boolean algebra form

The Boolean algebra binary form of de Morgan's law is

with generalization


Boolean algebra compact form

The Boolean algebra binary compact form of de Morgan's law is

with generalization


Propositional logic form

The propositional logic binary form of de Morgan's law is


De Morgan dual operators

The De Morgan dual of any propositional operator depending on elementary propositions is the operator defined as


First-order logic form

This idea can be generalized to logical quantifiers, so for example the universal quantifier and existential quantifier are duals.

The first-order logic binary form of de Morgan's law is


Modal logic generalization

The quantifier dualities can be extended further to modal logic, relating the box ("necessarily") and diamond ("possibly") operators

This may be considered to be a formal expression of the observation that was made by Aristotle and was known to Greek and Medieval logicians.

Arithmetic form

"The negation of a minimum is the maximum of the negations."


"The negation of a maximum is the minimum of the negations."

The arithmetic binary form of de Morgan's law is

with generalization


− is the arithmetic negation operator
MIN is the minimum function (Cf. {{min}} and {{MIN}} mathematical function templates)
MAX is the maximum function (Cf. {{max}} and {{MAX}} mathematical function templates)
= means equal

See also


  1. DeMorgan’s Theorems at
  2. Bocheński's History of Formal Logic
  3. William of Ockham, Summa Logicae, part II, sections 32 & 33.
  4. Augustus De Morgan (1806 -1871) by Robert H. Orr
  5. De Morgan's
  6. Boolean Algebra By R. L. Goodstein. ISBN 0486458946.
  7. 2000 Solved Problems in Digital Electronics By S. P. Bali