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Cellular automata

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Cellular automata (plural of cellular automaton) are -dimensional grids with "colored" (-states) cells that are toggled according to a rule pertaining to neighboring cells. Perhaps the most famous cellular automata are in Conway's Game of Life.

Cellular automata by number of cell states

Binary cellular automata

Binary cellular automata are -dimensional grids with binary (2-states) cells (e.g. "0/1," "off/on," "dead/alive," ...) that are toggled according to a rule pertaining to neighboring cells. Perhaps the most famous binary 2-dimensional cellular automata are in Conway's Game of Life.

Ternary cellular automata

Ternary cellular automata are -dimensional grids with ternary (3-states) cells (e.g. "0/1/2," "red/green/blue," "dead/ill/healthy," ...) that are toggled according to a rule pertaining to neighboring cells.

Cellular automata, Code n


Cellular automata, Rule n


Cellular automata by grid dimensionality


1-dimensional cellular automata

Cf. Turing machines.

2-dimensional cellular automata


3-dimensional cellular automata


n-dimensional cellular automata


See also