Ulam s-Additive Sequences
Let s be a positive integer. A strictly increasing sequence of positive
Here are three open problems (among many) associated with s-additive sequences. The first is well-known; the other two deserve more attention. 1. Consider the s-additive sequence with . The next fifteen terms of the sequence are 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18, 26, 28, 36, 38, 47, 48, 53 and more are given here. The sequence is infinite (as is any 1-additive sequence) since is an integer greater than with no other representation and, hence, there exists a least such integer. It is the archetypal s-additive sequence and was first studied by Ulam [3]. Open Problem: does Ulam's sequence have zero asymptotic density (relative to the positive integers)? 2. Consider the 1-additive sequence with
and for some integer
. It appears to be true that the
only even terms in this sequence are
Open Problem: what are the values of N and D for the sequence for m=4?
Hint: use the fact that the number of even terms is (evidently)
finite to build an efficient, low-memory algorithm for computing
. Much more has been proved
concerning the two (somewhat easier) cases:
3. Consider the 2-additive sequence with . The next fifteen terms of the sequence are 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 29, 31, 33, 43, 44, 47, 51 and more are given here. Open Problem: is this sequence infinite? I suspect that the third problem is very hard, but the second problem should yield to some clever individual with enough computing power and patience to spare! Interested readers are urged to examine [1-7] as well as essays on the Stolarsky-Harborth constant and quadratic recurrence constants. References
Copyright © 1995-2001 by Steven Finch.