Number of fixed site animals containing n nodes on the nodes of the cairo pentagonal tiling.
6, 10, 24, 68, 198, 594, 1816, 5650, 17824, 56836, 182788, 592060, 1929676, 6323418, 20819284, 68828316, 228372578, 760188362, 2537770576, 8494004948
Site animals on a lattice (regular graph) are connected induced subgraphs up to translation.
Is dual to the polycairos counted by A196991, AKA site animals on the nodes of the snub square tiling, insofar that these tilings are each others' duals.
The Madras reference gives a good treatment of site animals on general lattices.
It is a consequence of the Madras work that lim_{n\to\infty} a(n+1)/a(n) converges to some growth constant c.
Terms a(1)-a(20) were found by running a generalization of Redelmeier's algorithm. The transfer matrix algorithm (TMA) is more efficient than Redelmeier's for calculating regular polyominoes, and may give more terms here too. See the Jensen reference for a treatment of the TMA. See the Vöge and Guttman reference for an implementation of the TMA on the triangular lattice to count polyhexes, A001207.
Branko Grünbaum and G. C. Shephard, Tilings and Patterns. W. H. Freeman, New York, 1987, Sections 2.7, 6.2 and 9.4.
Anthony J. Guttman (Ed.), Polygons, Polyominoes, and Polycubes, Canopus Academic Publishing Limited, Bristol, 2009.
Iwan Jensen, Enumerations of Lattice Animals and Trees, Journal of Statistical Physics 102 (2001), 865-881.
N. Madras, A pattern theorem for lattice clusters, Annals of Combinatorics, 3 (1999), 357-384.
N. Madras and G. Slade, The Self-Avoiding Walk, Birkhäuser Publishing (1996).
D. Hugh Redelmeier, Counting Polyominoes: Yet Another Attack, Discrete Mathematics 36 (1981), 191-203.
Markus Vöge and Anthony J. Guttman, On the number of hexagonal polyominoes, Theoretical Computer Science, 307 (2003), 433-453.
It is widely believed site animals on 2-dimensional lattices grow asymptotically to kc^n/n, where k is a constant and c is the growth constant, dependent only on the lattice. See the Madras and Slade reference.
There are six translationally distinct nodes in the cairo pentagonal tiling, so a(1)=6.
The platonic tilings are associated with the following sequences: square A001168; triangular A001207; and hexagonal A001420.
The other 8 isogonal tilings are associated with these, A197160, A197158, A196991, A196992, A197461, A196993, A197464, A197467.
Sequence in context: A108899 A074289 A109099 * A109095 A349692 A351446
Johann Peters, Nov 23 2024