%I #4 Oct 02 2024 14:23:12
%S 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,210,56,504,1260,9240,166320,360360,5045040,75675600,
%T 1210809600,4084080,73513440,698377680,13967553600,146659312800,
%U 1075501627200,37104806138400,296838449107200,7420961227680000,96472495959840000,2604757390915680000
%N The smallest of the most common numbers among the multinomial coefficients n!/(x_1! * ... * x_k!) for all partitions (x_1, ..., x_k) of n.
%C a(n) is the smallest number that appears A376661(n) times in row n of A036038 (for n >= 1) or A078760.
%e For n = 8, the only numbers that appear more than once in row 8 of A036038 are 56 and 1680, which both appear twice. Since 56 < 1680, a(8) = 56.
%Y Cf. A036038, A078760, A376661.
%K nonn
%O 0,8
%A _Pontus von Brömssen_, Oct 02 2024